Internal and External Numbers
All phones display the current extension number in the top left corner, followed by the name of the extension. To change your extension name please raise a ticket with IT Services.
Once you have your internal number you can use the table below to work out your External Direct Dial Number
Internal Extension Number | External Direct Dial Number |
200-299 | 0117 9055 XXX |
450-499 | 0117 9898 XXX |
All others | No Direct External Number Exists |
Be wary who you give your number too as once they have it we cannot stop them calling you directly!
Revealing your external number
When dialling outside of the School, your number will be hidden by default and only show as the main School number: 0117 9055200. If you call a mobile phone owned by the School, our system will automatically reveal your direct dial number, the same as if you were calling an internal phone number.
Press the number 8 before you dial a number to reveal your direct number so they know who is calling.