Reporting Suspected Phishing Emails

Sometimes you will come across an email that just doesn't look right.  Something seems off?  The message might be poorly written or not make any sense?  If you suspect that an email might be a Phishing attempt, please report it!

  • If you report an email that is a test Phishing email, you will be notified straight away and congratulated on your intuition!
  • If you report an email that is not a test email, the Network Services team will be automatically notified and will get back to you once they have checked the email over. 

In both cases the email will be deleted from your inbox as a safety measure.

Finding the Phish Alert Button

Whenever you have an email open in outlook you will have the option of using the Phish Alert button to report any email.  Simply click the button and follow the instructions.  It takes 2 seconds to do.

Outlook 2016 - The existing version on all School computers

Outlook 365 - The newest version as part of Office 365 - The online version of Outlook