Creating or Uploading Files

There are many ways to get files onto OneDrive.  For most staff this will happen as part of the migration this summer.  Your Desktop, Documents, Pictures and Downloads folders will all automatically be synchronised with OneDrive.

Create a file directly in OneDrive

Navigate to Office 365 and then OneDrive using a webbrowser of your choice. Under the Files tab in the left hand side, navigate to the folder you wish to create the new file or folder in.

Click on the New option and choose the type of file you wish to create.

Once created you can open the file in your web browser or open in the full version of office if you have it installed. Any changes you make are saved automatically back to One Drive.

Save a file to OneDrive

If you are already working on a file and wish to save it to one drive:

  1. Select File -> Save As.
  2. Select your One Drive account
  3. Give the file a name and click save.

You can now access the file through one drive and begin sharing with others if needed.

Upload a file to OneDrive

If you already have a file that you have been saving to the Staff area or your U: Drive, you can upload it to OneDrive to allow you to access all the online collaboration features.

  1. On the one Drive website, navigate to the folder you want to upload the file to.
  2. Select the upload option.
  3. Choose the file/s your want to upload and then select Open.