Using Stream to Host Videos and Embed them

Create videos in Microsoft stream and share them alongside your other resources in Firefly.  Remember, you don't have to worry about producing highly polished videos here, (you're not working Hollywood just yet!). Students always appreciate hearing their teachers voice and you will know how best to get your teaching across.

You can use Microsoft stream to create and upload videos for your students - start with the app on your Office 365 dashboard:

To upload a video, open Stream and select Upload Video

  • Browse your computer and choose the video you wish to use. Once it has been uploaded it will be available for you in "My Content"
  • Once you have located your video, click on the three dots to the right hand side and select the Share option.
  • Choose the Embed tab where you can set options such as video size, autoplay etc before using the Copy button to copy the embed code, ready to use in Firefly.
  • Once you are ready to add the video to your Firefly page or task, select the Embed tool within the page editor, paste the code and click Done.

Your video is now available in your Firefly resources, ready for sharing with your students.