Census Data - Fee Billing
Census Manager
Check fees are up to date via School Characteristics / Manage Termly Fee Data (ISC) and Manage Annual Fee Details (DfE)
Select the billing cycle to be used on census day via Configuration / Manage Configuration / Fee Billing cycle
N.B. Recording Termly Fees
In order for ISC to be able to compare fees with previous years and to make allowance for the small number of ISC schools who will not have VAT applied to their fees, schools have been asked to record the termly fees in the census excluding VAT. For those schools who use their MIS to export data to upload to the census form, the ISC have instructed those MIS suppliers to ensure that the fee numbers exported do exclude VAT.
Fee Billing / Accounts & Charges / Fees
For each fee code option and disbursement, select the appropriate category option for Assistance (or choose "not applicable for assistance")
*New for 2025: Military Families Fee Assistance
Fee Billing / Accounts & Charges / Fees/Disbursements
New drop-down value, 'Continuity in Education Allowance (CEA) for military families'