Notes and Where to Store Information
There are several places where notes and information need to be stored on iSAMS. Use the following questions to identify where to store notes correctly. Work your way down the list in order and the first one that matches your situation is the place you should store that note.
Is it a safeguarding issue?
Anything that is a safeguarding concern should be logged on CPOMS as soon as possible for the DSL or DDSLs to follow up on.
If is it a low-level concern about a member of staff, please use Confide.
Is the note confidential and not suitable for most staff to see?
"Pupil Manager" Module -> "Notes" Tab
Only SLT have access to add and view notes in this area. To get a confidential note added you will need to ask a member of SLT or their Assistant/Secretary/EA to log the note on your behalf.
Is it a welfare concern?
"Reward & Conduct" Wizard, select Welfare
General concerns about a pupil's welfare should be logged on iSAMS via the Reward & Conduct wizard in the right side. These are sent via a report to Form Tutor, Boarding Housemistress, Pastoral Heads and Jen Ryder to monitor.
There is a further drop down menu as below:
Is it a medical note?
"Health Centre" Module
Any medical notes confidential or not should be stored in the Health Centre module. Please liaise with Health Centre staff as they are the only staff who have access to edit and add medical notes to a pupil. Depending on the nature of the note, it can be made public or private.
Is the note specifically about SEND?
"Send, EAL & AGT" Module -> "Notes" Tab
Any notes that are specifically in relation to SEND provision, status or testing should be stored in the SEND, EAL & AGT modules. This also includes communications with parents in relation to SEND.
Is it an important communication to or from a parent that was NOT sent via iSAMS?
"Pupil Profiles" Module -> "Notes" Tab -> "Communications with Parents"
Any communications received or sent to parents using traditional email (Outlook) is not automatically recorded against a pupil.
If the communication is of some value to other staff or to provide a bigger picture please make sure you at the least log a summary of what was sent/said or paste in the whole email if appropriate.
Behaviour, Achievements or Commendations?
"Rewards & Conduct" Wizards
All day to day behaviour, achievements, commendations should be logged into the iSAMS Rewards and Conduct module. The quickest way to do this is using the Rewards & Conduct wizards in the wizard bar on the right side of iSAMS
Is it evidence for Scholars or significant 'Achievements'?
"Academic - Achievements" Wizard -> Record Categories "Scholarship"
You do not need to record every time a student attends your weekly club.
A commendation should be recorded for regular participation. If your club runs weekly then approximately once per half term of participation would be appropriate. This can be logged under either:
- Academic – Commendation Effort; or
- Progress – In Extra-curricular
If a pupil attends a one-off lecture or event or takes part in a competition then please use:
- Academic – Commendation - Community contribution
If a girl achieves an award, passes an exam etc. then this should be logged under:
- Academic – Achievement
All remaining Notes
"Pupil Profiles" Module -> "Notes" Tab
Any other notes are then safe to store in Pupil Profiles