Linked Contacts (Guardians)

Some contacts may need to be shared across multiple families.  These contacts need to be attached to multiple girls but not be part of their "Family"  A prime example of this would be a Guardian.

Deleting  a linked contact will delete it for all pupils!!!!!

If you add the guardian individually to each pupil this will result in:

  • Data duplication, addresses and numbers stored in many locations making it difficult to update
  • The guardian only being able to see one pupil on firefly and iSAMS portals
  • The guardian receiving multiple copies of any mailers send via iSAMS as it will not know they are the same person.

In order to resolve this issue iSAMS supports linked contacts.

1. Find a pupil with the guardian as a contact and edit that contact

2. Tick the box in the top right called "Private Contact

3. Click Save Contact.  The guardian will now show with a small yellow lock icon next to them.

4. Re-open the guardians contact and there should now be a tab called "Linked Pupils"

5. You can now add this contact to as many pupils as appropriate.

Once you have linked the contact to all the relevant pupils it is important you then delete the non linked contacts from each pupil to avoid further duplication.

All staff who work with pupil contacts must keep an eye out for contacts such as guardians and link/clean them up as soon as possible.