
Distributions are report that will show the count and distribution of any type of grade, effort or baseline data and will group it by subject, year, form.  This is especially useful to get a quick picture of the grades expected and can be used to calculate the predicted number of grades for GCSE and A-Level such as how many A* - C grades are predicted.

As an experimental feature the numbers and data in this report may contain errors.  Before using the data to inform and decisions or reporting, please contact the IT Services Manager who will verify that the report is accurate.

The left hand column lists the current groupings.  The default is by Subject.  Then for each type of grade there is a distribution map showing the number of predicted grades at each level and the average predicted grade for the current group (subject, form or year)


Each grade scale is highlighted from green to red, best to worst.  The number of grades at each cell is highlighted based on the density or number of grades.  The darker the cell the more grades predicted.

Useful Settings

  • Data - Attainment, Current Tracking Grades, Projected Grades or Predicted Grades - Turn of and on which data is displayed in the distribution.  Useful if you only want to concentrate on one type of grade.
  • Filters - Term - Remove any data from previous terms that might skew the total number of grades
  • Group By - Pupil - Great for seeing how many grades each girl is predicted