The Data settings drop down contains a lot of options. Mostly it allows you to filter what type of data is returned and displayed in the report.
- The top 10 Choices - Toggle specific grade and data types of and on.
- Convert basedata into attainment for years 7-9 - This is a new feature that adds an additional column for years 7-9 so that Badminton attainment scale can be compared against baseline data predictions
- Collapse Baseline Grades - This will only show the latest baseline data grades for each subject/pupil. Any previous baseline data will be hidden and it will show a single column. Un tick this to view all the baseline data points included in the report.
- Don't Filter Basedata based on grades - by default the reports will only show baseline data if it matches a subject that the pupil has been given grades in. Tick this box to show all baseline data regardless of what subject the pupil is studying.
- Include Subjects - Will show data that is assigned to a subject.
- Include Activites - will show grades and data that have been entered on school reports against an activity such as tennis.