Export Photos from Trip Mobiles
To export photos and videos from trip mobiles to your shared folders or Teams folders, there are two methods.
Teams Directly
Each Trip mobile has an associated Teams login that can be added to Teams as appropriate. Once added, you can upload content into the associated Teams file storage via the Teams app installed on each phone.
Make sure to remove the Trip mobile account from the Team once you've finished your file transfer.
Sharing as a OneDrive folder
Alternatively, files can be organised into a OneDrive folder and sent to an appropriate account to process as appropriate.
- Open the OneDrive app on the Trip mobile and navigate to 'Documents'
- Create a new folder here with a suitable name for your Trip and open the folder
- Upload your media into this folder via the plus icon and access the gallery
- Once uploaded, select the folder from the list and 'share' and enter the email address of an account with access to your final Team destination
- On receipt, the account can then download the shared folder and upload it into the Teams file section
If there are any problems with either method, feel free to contact IT services