Copy or Move Files between Teams

Moving or Copying a file

Moving and copying files is fairly straight forward in Teams.  Click on the elipsis (...) next to any file and choose copy or move.  This will allow you to choose a new location for the file.

Moving or Copying a folder

Unfortunately you cannot (yet) move or copy a folder from within teams.  To do so you need to use SharePoint (The back end system that stores all of Teams files)

Where possible avoid moving folders between teams as this is a big process and can cause issues if people have files open or custom permissions.  Try to keep files in the right place to start with.

Step 1 - Open up the Team and go to the folder that contains the folder you want to move.

Step 2 - Click on the Open in SharePoint link at the top of teams

Step 3 - Click on the elipsis (...) next to the folder you want to move.  If you are in that folder already you need to go up a folder level first.

Step 4 - Click on "Move to" or "Copy to"

Step 5 - Find the new Team in the right hand side.  If the team is not shown, click on the Show more.

If you still can't find the new Team, you will need to manually "follow" it from sharepoint.  Ask network services for help.

Step 6 - Browse to the new location and click Copy here or Move here when ready.

You can see the progress of the move in the top right of Sharepoint.  Some file moves take a long time depending on how many files/folders are in it.