Attendance Information

This section shows the pupils current attendance for the academic year to date.  Attendance % is calculated based on 2 sessions per day, one AM and one PM.  Should your daughter miss a whole day of school, this counts as 2 sessions missed.

  • Present - Your daughter was present either lessons or School approved activities.
  • Late - Your daughter arrived more than 10 minutes after the morning or afternoon registers closed.
  • Absent:Authorised - Your daughter was absent from School but authorised to do so.  This most commonly indicates being sick.  Most recently this includes physically being absent from School due to Covid-19.  See note below for more information
  • Absent:Unauthorised - Your daughter was absent and the School has not authorised the reason.  This could be taking her out of School for a non approved holiday or failing to inform the School why your daughter was absent.  Under most circumstances this should be 0%

Click on see more attendance information to view detailed breakdown of attendance day by day.

Important Information on how Covid-19 effects attendance

The UK government is requiring Schools to mark pupils absent due to Covid-19 as Absent:Authorised, even if they are being taught remotely.  We understand that this is causing some concern among parents due to it effecting pupils present percentage unfairly.  

Rest assured that this does not count negatively against pupils effected and other institutions will be expected to take this into account when reviewing attendance.  Should there be an explicit reason to do so, the School can provide manual attendance percentages taking into account times where your daughter was studying remotely