Arranging and Filtering Mark Books

NB. If the mark book is shared, remember to revert your changes, or consider copying so you have your own version.

Sorting by column

Click on the title of the column you wish to sort by (you may need to click twice to order from the top).


Filtering a tracking model

Filters can be useful when looking at  a whole cohort or department model.

Within a model, click on "Model Filters" - you will be presented with various options.

School Structure - year group will have already been selected for created mark books.

Academic options - this filter allows you to drill down by department, subject, or set/s. (This will have already been done for created templates)

For example, if a mark book has been created for a department, you can drill down to your individual subject using academic filters. 

Census  - filter by nationality, ethnic group, or resident country.

SEN - filter by pupils on/off the SEN register, or by SEN category.