WiFi & Internet
WiFi Access
All staff and pupils are permitted to add personal devices onto the school Wireless system to gain filtered internet access. You need to connect to “Badminton School” and will be prompted to login with your school username and password. Once authenticated your device will remember the connection and connect automatically in the future.
Older devices may not work and can connect to “Badminton WiFi” instead but will be required to authenticate regularly to gain access.
Staff Internet Access
Staff enjoy a very relaxed level of internet filtering and are trusted to use and access the internet appropriately. The use of Social Media and other personal use should be limited to non-working hours such as break times where possible
All internet access in the school is filtered and monitored. Under extreme circumstances the School may use this data as evidence if a concern is raised against a member of staff.
Should you feel a website is inappropriate or should not be filtered then please let IT Services know and we will evaluate if any changes need to be made to the filtering