Activate Class Teams

Network Services will automatically create class teams at the beginning of each academic year and automatically add your pupils. However, you have access to the class team before your pupils can view it and begin participating. This means you have time to set up, add files, and get organised before granting access to your students. Once you're ready for students to access a team, follow these steps to activate it:

  1. You'll notice a banner at the top of all your new class teams that shows you how many students are waiting to join the class.

    Navigate to a team and select Activate.

    A team with a banner and Activate button.

  2. Select Activate again to confirm that you'd like your students to access the team.

View students waiting to join

To review the list of students who have been added to your class but don't have access to it yet, navigate to a class team and select More options More options button>Manage team.

Edit menu and settings for a team.

You'll see a list of students waiting to join underneath the Members tab.

List of students waiting to join class in Settings.