Presenting during a Live Event

When you are invited to join a Live event you will receive a normal invite just like a normal teams meeting.

At the correct time you find the event in your Teams Calendar and click on it to join.  Please make sure you join with your mic muted.

You must use a laptop or macbook to join a Live Event, and ideally using the full version of teams.  A phone or iPad will only let you view the event and the web based version of Teams is tempermental!!  Please check your microphone and speakers are working before hand as troubleshooting during the event can be difficult and embarrassing

When you join the meeting you will be able to talk and discuss with the other presenters and producers whilst you wait for the event to start.  Use this time to make sure everyone knows the running order and has all their resources ready to go. 

During this time the meeting will show PRE-LIVE, this means that viewers cannot yet see or hear anything you discuss.

When ready the producer will start the live stream and you will see the following Live button.

At this point everyone in the stream can now hear your microphone so make sure you keep it muted if you are not talking.

The producer of the live event controls which video is being sent to the live stream viewers.  You can tell which video is live by the red boarder around the person.  If your camera is live you will see a red boarder with a live button as per the screen shot below.

Once the producer ends the live event the meeting will show an ENDED button.  From this point you can relax and give you and your colleges a pat on the back for such an amazing live stream!