View the Badminton Calendar in Outlook

Outlook has the ability to sync any web based calendar including the School calendar that is public on the website.  Once done you can overlay the whole school calendar over your own to make it easier to plan events, pick holiday days or generally see what's going on in the School.

Note that this process will not follow you between computers at this time. You will need to do it on each computer you wish to sync.

Step 1 - Open up the full version of Outlook

Step 2 - Click on the calendar icon at the bottom left

Step 3 - Click on Add Calendar then From Internet

Step 4 - Copy and paste in the following url then click Ok

Step 5 - Click on Yes

Step 6 - In the left hand side you should now see a Badminton School Calendar under Other Calendar

Step 7 - Tick or un-tick the box to view the calendar in the main window.

You can also use the arrow at the top of the calendar to overlay it onto your own calendar if needed